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G 21.008 CoverRainer Lischka (b. 1942)
Circus in Town

Eight musical images for alto recorder solo

Girolamo G 21.008, playing score, € 14,00
ISMN 979-0-50084-081-7

sample page

G 21.007 G 21.009





In a circus, music is often played by a larger group of instrumentalists, and is, in the ideal case, perfectly matched to the different acts. The following pieces, however, are by no means intended as background music. Instead, they aim to call to mind the memory of various circus acts and the moods they evoke. Unlike the circus acts themselves, the music does not focus primarily on the virtuoso aspect – all the more so as the pieces are to be playable for younger music students. When playing this music, special attention should be given to the strict observation of the specified tempi and the precise execution of articulation and phrasing marks – these serve as a means of artistic expression and help to bring out the character of the different pieces.
Selection and combination of the individual movements are entirely up to the performer.
Special thanks are due to Sylvia Hartig of the Music School of Leipzig "Johann Sebastian Bach", both for providing the inspiration for this musical cycle and for her helpful advice.

Translation: Christa Lange-Rudd

Dresden, April 2019, Rainer Lischka

1. The ring is open!
2. Tightrope artists
3. The contortionist
4. On the springboard
5. The magician
6. Hula Hoops
7. The clowns
8. Final parade
